Quiz – Airworthiness Airworthiness – Level 1 1. What does ICAO stand for? International Civil Aviation Organization International Civil Aviation Authorities Organization International Civil Authorities Organization 2. ICAO was established by the Chicago Convention in 1947. Yes No 3. ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. No Yes 4. ICAO has got supranational authority in all ICAO member states. No Yes 5. When dealing with safety, what is the ICAO objective? Protect passengers and people overflown by aircraft Protect passengers Protect people overflown by aircraft 6. What does FAA stand for? Federal Aerospace Administration Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Authority Federal Aerospace Authority 7. FAA is responsible for the type certification of all types of aircraft intended to be registered in the USA. Yes No 8. FAA is responsible for the direct supervision of continuing airworthiness for all aircraft registered in the USA. Yes No 9. The aircraft owner of an aircraft registered in the USA is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of his aircraft. No Yes 10. What does EASA stand for? European Union Aviation Safety Agency European Aviation Safety Authority European Agency for the Safety of Aviation European Authority for the Safety of Aviation 11. EASA is responsible for the type certification of all types of transport aircraft intended to be registered in the European Union. Yes No 12. Choose the most appropriate sentence. EASA is responsible for the direct supervision of continuing airworthiness for all aircraft registered in the European Union In the European Union, each National Aviation Authority is responsible for the direct supervision of continuing airworthiness for all aircraft registered in its country, in accordance to European regulations In the European Union, each National Aviation Authority is responsible for the direct supervision of continuing airworthiness for all aircraft registered in its country 13. Which of the following sequence is appropriate in the airworthiness process? 1/ Type certification 2/ Production 3/ Maintenance 1/ Production 2/ Type certification 3/Maintenance 1/ Production 2/ Maintenance 3/Type certification 14. In the European Union, according to which Part are Design organisations approved? Part 21J Part 21F Part 21G Part 145 15. In the European Union, according to which Part are Production organisations approved? Part 145 Part 21G Part 21F Part 21J 16. In the European Union, according to which Part are Maintenance organisations approved? Part 21F Part 21J Part 21G Part 145 17. What is the form that can be released as a privilege of Part 21G and Part 145 with an equipment? EASA form 4 EASA form 1 EASA form 2 EASA form 50 18. In civil aviation, what does TSO stand for? Training Specification Organization Technical Specification Organization Technical Supplement Order 19. In civil aviation, what does STC stand for? Supplemental Technical Classification Supplemental Technical Certificate Supplemental Type Certificate 20. In civil aviation, what does PMA stand for? Primary Manufacturer Approval Part Manufacturer Approval Part Maintenance Approval 21. What is the name of the document released by the National Civil Aviation when a new aircraft is found airworthy and in condition for safe operations? Type certificate Individual certificate of airworthiness Fly permit 22. What document does a national aviation authority publish to impose a change or an inspection on a type of aircraft? Service Bulletin Airworthiness leaflet Airworthiness Directive 23. When a company applies for a TSO for a model of equipement, it has to prove that. (multiple answers) The equipment can fit on all kind of aircraft The design complies with the TSO technical requirements The design organisation is compliant with regulation The production organisation is compliant with regulation The organisation has published appropriate in-service documentation 24. Which of these documents should be released with a new aircraft? (multiple answers) Aircraft Maintenance Manual Illustrated parts catalog Operations Manual Aircraft Flight Manual 25. What is the reference of the certification specification that is applicable to certify large rotorcraft in the European Union? CS 39 CS 34 CS 22 CS 25 CS 23 CS 31 CS 26 CS 29 CS 27 Loading …