Quiz – Configuration Management Configuration Management – Level 1 1. In aerospace industry, configuration focuses on Functional characteristics only Physical characteristics only Functional and physical characteristics 2. In aerospace industry, configuration concerns Existing hardware, firmware, software or a combinaison thereof Existing or planned hardware, firmware, software or a combinaison thereof Planned hardware, firmware, software or a combinaison thereof 3. In aerospace industry, configuration encompasses (choose the most appropriate answer) The technical documentation and the product as built The product as built The technical documentation 4. In aerospace industry, configuration of a product is tracked All along the product lifecycle All along the product production only All along the product type certification only 5. Why must configuration of a product be tracked ? (several correct answers) To make sure the design of the product conforms to the certification specification To track the products that may be defective. To be able to provide appropriate spare parts. To make sure the product as manufactured conforms to an approved design 6. Who is responsible to track the precise configuration of a product during its type certification process ? The type certificate applicant The Civil Aviation Authority in charge of the type certification. The manufacturer of the parts 7. Who is responsible to track the precise configuration of an aircraft during its manufacturing process The Civil Aviation Authority in charge of the type certification. The manufacturer who applies for the individual certificate of airworthiness. The civil aviation Authority in charge of granting the individual certificate of airworthiness to the aircraft. 8. A full list of topics/characteristics must be tracked during configuration management. Which of the proposed ones should be included in this list ? (multiple answers) Special processes which are part of the design. Dimensions of the part Manufacturing process Raw material / approved supplier. 9. Must a supplier report any engineering change to its customer according to customer’s requirements ? No Yes 10. How does traceability fit with configuration management ? (Multiple answers) Traceability rules include configuration management. Traceability gathers rules to trace the changes in the identification of the parts. Configuration management includes traceability rules. Traceability enables to decide of the level of approval requested on a change. Loading …